Join the Club- Register with SamuraiArmies' blog and be eligible to receive a unique 15-18mm figure sculpt (or more)

15-18mm Sengoku Samurai with Kanabo
When the Kickstarter campaign launches in June, those who register with this blog may be eligible to receive a unique figure sculpt (depending on the response, there may be more) for one of the Samurai Armies in the campaign. We will provide a list of additional criteria for eligibility over the next 10 days, but you and those you know who might be interested must be registered with this blog before May 31st.

At registration, send a private message to let us know with whom you have shared this post and referred to our blog. This will be important later! You should tell us where you posted/shared, and have each person you get registered to give your name at registration as a "referred by."



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